Assisting in preserving and interpreting the natural and cultural resources of Borderland State Park
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2020 Recipient: Peter Oldow, Mansfield High School 2019 Recipient: Tessa Gafuri, Mansfield High School
2018 Recipient: Sage Ganshirt, Oliver Ames High School
2017 Recipient: Taylor Samuels, Mansfield High School
2016 Recipient: Sarah Mullahy, Mansfield High School
2015 Recipient: Benjamin Jankowski, Mansfield High School
2014 Recipient: Nora Wells, Mansfield High School
Awarded to a graduating high school senior from Foxboro, Sharon, Easton or Mansfield. The goal of this award is to honor the memory of Mr. William ( Bill ) O. Hocking, Jr. who was an involved and passionate advocate for the Park and local resources. Bill served as a member of the Citizens Advisory Council for the Park to the State for nearly 40 years since the Park’s creation in 1972 often as the Council’s chairperson. He was a dedicated volunteer, avid outdoorsman, naturalist, mentor, aspiring geologist and mushroom enthusiast, who could often be found “playing” outdoors.